Epic Waters Angling

Category Deep Thoughts

2017 BC Salmon Overview

An excellent Overview of the 2016 Salmon Season & Outlook for 2017 by Greg Taylor of DFO’s recent forecast. The conclusion? “Marine and freshwater environmental conditions from 2013 through 2016 makes it even more problematic than usual to forecast salmon…

Fishy Papers

Correlation between Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI) in farmed fish and Piscine Rio-Virus (PRV) in wild salmon. Can we call this a smoking gun yet? http://www.theprovince.com/news/local+news/deadly+disease+diagnosed+salm…

Fishy studies of Interest

Two times as many salmon in ocean as in 1950’s. Mostly hatchery/ ranched pinks and chums. Magnitude and Trends in Abundance of Hatchery and Wild Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, and Sockeye Salmon in the North Pacific Ocean .Ruggerone et al.

Skeena System update

The Skeena system is in the midst of a 110 year low for water conditions.  This could change if we get a wet fall which is entirely possible.  The Steelhead numbers being reported are extremely impressive.  Not only are the early…