Danny Hollins

Danny Hollins

I am 22 years old and grew up in Vancouver, BC. Fly-Fishing has been apart of my life since I was 7 years old. It all began on a family trip to Yellowstone National Park before I had ever known there was such a thing as fly-fishing. After some long days of not even having bites we stumbled across a man who was casting his fly for some rising cutthroat trout. I remember watching in awe at how he was flicking the line back and forth above his head and I became instantly drawn to the idea of trying it myself. Over the next couple months I begged my parents to buy me a fly-fishing set up. Of course they had their doubts whether I would become frustrated just trying to cast and give it all up. But I was so determined to try that I would go outside and attempt to “fly cast” with my normal spinning rod and monofilament line. At last my parents caved in and helped me purchase my first ever fly-fishing combo. Since that day I have been lucky enough to represent Canada at international fly-fishing competitions and become a professional guide for one of the most incredible fisheries the world has to offer.