Epic Waters Fall 2016 #PhotoEssay

This fall was as predictable as picking lottery numbers. The weather came in constant waves, boats died en masse, fish were there one day and gone the next and each day brought some new set of problems around the lodge. We often found ourselves on the @epicwaters instagram account using #seasonfromhell or #soyouwanttobeaguide to describe the onslaught. That said, we wouldn’t trade it for the world and the good moments far made up for the struggle (#thestruggleisreal). We had phenominal heli days, exceptional tent camp fishing and some lodge days that revialed any in the past. Here’s a small peak into my season. ~Stevie

#setup #twincamp #paintjob #aug15

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia


#workhardplayhard #solocup #newcaptain #aug23

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia


#setup #babinesteelheadlodge #silverkinghelicopters #aug30

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia


#herecomesthebrown #wherestheroad #typethrees #ankledeepwades #sept5

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#babinebreak #prelodge #earlySept

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#dirtywatertrouts #bulkleybrown #canyondweller #sept9

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#shesdropping #manyfires #evenmorebeers #casterbation #Sept12

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#wellsheWASdropping #herewegoagain #rollercoaster #midSept

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia


#thingsarelookingup #2feetVIS #teamdoctor #chromey #sept23

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#witchestity #bluntmountain #camprun #decentVIS #lateSept

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#heligetaway #seclution #getaways #earlyoct

#firstdusting #waterdroppingin #promising #Oct 10

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#bigbucks #lateseason #intherain #feelslikeparadisefound #oct14

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

#lastday #wineandsoup #tinhorncreek #sheGREEN #oct17

Steelhead, Babine, Bulkley, Skeena, Frontier Farwest, Epic, Epic Waters, spey, smithers, canada, british columbia

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