Swinging the Dream – Summer Runs.

As I lay here in my Subaru I write this blog until my cell dies. I have been camping up on logging roads of two great river systems since mid-August. The sun nor rain or snow had stopped me from my pursuits at first light

This season I was ready for action! My fly box was full of deer and elk hair flies. The reason behind my preparation was that I like using caddis flies and they’re super easy to tie. 90% of my fish catch this season had been landed on the grease line caddis. Multi-fish days on simple deer hair flies were truly a dream come true. My best day happened after a huge stone fly hatch where I found the steelhead became spellbound to a simple skated adult stone fly. In the light of my camp fire I found myself tying a fly that covered two different hatches. I had taken the October caddis and the stimulator and mashed them up to create my own bastardized variation called the “October Stone”.  It definitely wasn’t rocket science. This fly worked so well on the two river systems that I find myself looking for more challenges on the Thompson.

As I recap my Skeena season, I don’t feel that it was my most successful year ever but I stayed the course and fished my grease line caddis and had an amazing season. The best part of this season was making believers out of new anglers. Deep down I know I have altered the path of a few. My ‘bug rants’ did not fall on deaf ears, for that I am grateful.

Thank you for a beautiful season.

Cheers my friends..

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